
Články vo vedeckých časopisoch:

Nový článok Martina Kahanca o vplyve mobility v rámci EÚ na pracovné trhy

Tento článok sa zaoberá tým, ako novovzniknuté trendy mobility východ-západ ovplyvnili možnosti trhu práce pracovnej sily a zostávajúcich v hostiteľských členských štátoch. Dospelo sa k záveru, že voľná mobilita v rozšírenej EÚ zvýšila efektívnosť jej trhov práce.

Kahanec's new journal article on how migration may reduce inequality

How skilled immigration may improve economic equality, in IZA Journal of Migration 2014, 3:2 The paper suggests that skilled immigration promotes economic equality in advanced economies under standard conditions. This is discussed and theoretically derived in a core model, and empirically supported using unique data from the WIID database and OECD.

Forthcoming publication by CELSI research fellow Sebastian Buhai

Tenure Profiles and Efficient Separation in a Stochastic Productivity Model, forthcoming in Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, also as CELSI DP No. 7

Forthcoming publication by CELSI research fellow Sebastian Buhai in Econometrica

*Returns to tenure or seniority?*, forthcoming in Econometrica.

Forthcoming article in Transfer on youth unemployment by Kahanec and Fabo

Migration Strategies of the Crisis-Stricken Youth in an Enlarged European Union, forthcoming in Transfer: European Review of Labor and Research, 2013 (also CELSI DP 6; IZA DP 7285; 2013)

Kahanec's new journal article on working hours of immigrants in Germany

The working hours of immigrants in Germany: temporary versus permanent, in IZA Journal of Migration, 2013, 2:14 (also IZA DP 4735)

New journal article by Marta Kahancová on the crisis and collective bargaining in Slovakia

The demise of social partnership or a balanced recovery? The crisis and collective bargaining in Slovakia, in Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research Volume 19 Issue 2, May 2013

An article co-authored by Martin Kahanec debunking the welfare magnet hypothesis published in the International Journal of Manpower

Unemployment Benefits and Immigration: Evidence from the EU, October 2011, published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2013, 34 (1), 24–38. Discussed in media like The Guardian, Handelsblatt, Die Welt, among others.

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