Články vo vedeckých časopisoch:

Industrial Relations in the Health Care Sector
Slovakia: Industrial Relations in the Health Care Sector, European industrial relations observatory online
The Russian-Ukrainian Political Divide
The Russian-Ukrainian Political Divide, forthcoming in Eastern European Economics, (accepted 2010). (also IZA DP 2530; CEPR DP 6085; and DIW Berlin DP 656; 2006)
Economic Interests, Company Values and Local Institutions: Shaping Soft Work Practices in a Multinational’s Subsidiaries in Western and Central Eastern Europe
Economic Interests, Company Values and Local Institutions: Shaping Soft Work Practices in a Multinational’s Subsidiaries in Western and Central Eastern Europe. Industrielle Beziehungen (2010), Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 170–191.
Social Determinants of Labor Market Status of Ethnic Minorities in Britain
Social Determinants of Labor Market Status of Ethnic Minorities in Britain, Review of Labor Economics, Vol. 29, (2009), 167–195. (also IZA DP 3146, University of Milano – Bicocca WP 125; 2007)

Innovative R&D and Optimal Investment Under Uncertainty In High-Tech Industries
Innovative R&D and Optimal Investment under Uncertainty in High-Tech Industries: An Implication for Emerging Economies,” Research Policy Journal 38, 2009: 1388–1395. (with Justin Yifu Lin and Yingyi Tsai).

Political Economy of Immigration in Germany: Attitudes and Citizenship Aspiration
Political Economy of Immigration in Germany: Attitudes and Citizenship Aspiration, International Migration Review, Vol. 43, No. 2, (Summer 2009), 263–291. (also IZA DP 3140; 2007)
Enhancing the Employment Chances of Roma
Enhancing the Employment Chances of Roma. Knowledge Brief. World Bank. Europe and Central Asia. Volume 2.
Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants and Non-Citizens in the EU: An East-West Comparison
Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants and Non-Citizens in the EU: An East-West Comparison, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 30, No. 1+2, (2009), 97–115. (also IZA DP 3420; 2008)