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Preserving Jobs in COVID-19 Times in CEE Countries: Social Partners’ Responses and Actions
Preserving Jobs in COVID-19 Times in CEE Countries: Social Partners’ Responses and Actions
Kirov, V.
Kováčová, L.
Guzi, M.
Czarzasty, J.
Adăscăliței, D.
Kahanec, M.
Publikované dňa: december 2023
Kľúčové slová:
COVID-19 pandemic, short-time work, industrial relations systems, social partners, Kurzarbeit, wage subsidies, teleworking
JEL klasifikácia:
J08, J38, J5
Eleven Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries joined the European Union in 2004, 2007 and 2013. During the COVID-19 pandemic, social partners in CEE have been active in efforts to mitigate the negative consequences of the economic downturn; however, evidence on the scope, scale, and effects of their roles in shaping policy responses to the pandemic remains scant. This paper provides early evidence on the role of social partners in shaping job preservation policies, focusing on three main types: short-time working arrangements; wage subsidies; and flexible work arrangements. It presents the main characteristics of the industrial relations systems and main social partners are five CEE countries: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, social partners in Bulgaria have engaged in an intensive social dialogue leading to national-level agreements and have actively taken part in the formulation of job preservation measures.