New journal article by Marta Kahancová on the crisis and collective bargaining in Slovakia
The demise of social partnership or a balanced recovery? The crisis and collective bargaining in Slovakia, in Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research Volume 19 Issue 2, May 2013
Special issue of International Journal of Manpower with Martin Kahanec as a guest editor published now
International Journal of Manpower, special issue on “Migration, the Welfare State, and European Labor Markets”, Vol. 34, No. 1+2, (2013)
An article co-authored by Martin Kahanec debunking the welfare magnet hypothesis published in the International Journal of Manpower
Unemployment Benefits and Immigration: Evidence from the EU, October 2011, published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2013, 34 (1), 24–38. Discussed in media like The Guardian, Handelsblatt, Die Welt, among others.
An article co-authored by Martin Kahanec on pitfalls of immigrant inclusion into welfare published in the International Journal of Manpower
Pitfalls of Immigrant Inclusion into the European Welfare State, December 2011, published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2013, 34 (1), 39–55.
The European Commission publishes flagship report "Industrial Relations in Europe 2012" featuring a chapter by Marta Kahancová
The European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, publishes its flagship report „Industrial Relations in Europe 2012“ featuring „Chapter 2: Industrial relations developments in the new member states in Central and Eastern Europe“ authored by Marta Kahancová.
A new study on lessons from European mobility authored by Martin Kahanec now published by the World Bank
Skilled labor flows : lessons from the European Union. Social Protection and labor discussion paper ; no. SP 1301. Washington D.C. : The Worldbank.
CELSI Research Fellows Bohle and Greskovits publish a book on capitalist diversity in CEE
Capitalist Diversity on Europe’s Periphery, Cornell University Press.
New journal article about determinants of sectoral growth in automotive sector and decline in textile industry in Central Europe by Lucia Kureková
Success Against All Odds? Determinants of Sectoral Rise and Decline in Central Europe. East European Politics and Societies. DOI: 10.1177/0888325412440168
New paper on healthcare reforms and impact on bargaining by Marta Kahancová and Imre Gergely Szabó
Acting on the Edge of Public Sector: Hospital Corporatization and Collective Bargaining in Hungary and Slovakia. FP7 GUSTO WP 6 paper, in: Governance of Uncertainty and Sustainability at Sectoral and Territorial Levels, (also as CELSI discussion paper No.1, 2012).
Kahanec and Kureková contribute to The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, Wiley-Blackwell
European Union Expansion and Migration, forthcoming in Immanuel Ness and Peter Bellwood, (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, Wiley – Blackwell Publishing (2013)