Archív noviniek
Správy 2012:
- CELSI Research Fellows Bohle and Greskovits publish a book on capitalist diversity in CEE (CornellUP)
- CELSI Discussion Paper series open for submissions now
- Martin Kahanec delivered a speech about migration policy at the European Parliament
- Martin Kahanec and Lucia Kurekova testify before the Advisory Committee on Free Movement of Workers of the European Commission
- Martin Kahanec panelist at a European Commission conference on the European Single Market
- Martin Kahanec coorganizes the 5th IZA/CEUR workshop on EU Enlargement and the Labor Markets
- Martin Kahanec gives a lecture on immigrant integration at a European Migration Network seminar
- Marta Kahancová delivered a speech at a conference about healthcare system reforms
- Marta Kahancova invited to the workshop at the University of Denver
- Invited lecture by Martin Kahanec on Ethnic Diversity at the University of Denver
- Martin Kahanec becomes the managing editor of the IZA Journal of European Labor Studies
- Martin Kahanec advises the World Bank on the lessons from Europe's migration for ASEAN
- Martin Kahanec took part in Slovak Television debate: Europe needs immigrants
- Join the CELSI team - new vacancies
- Martin Kahanec invited panelist at EC's expert conference on Employment and Social Developments in Europe
- RePEc 2011: CELSI top economic research institute in Slovakia