
RePEc 2011: CELSI top economic research institute in Slovakia

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RePEc 2011: CELSI top economic research institute in Slovakia

Publikované dňa 6. január 2012


According to the international research database Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) the Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) is a top institution in economic research in Slovakia. In the RePEc ranking CELSI has surpassed a number of prestigious economic institutions in Slovakia, ranking No. 1 in September, October and November 2011.

„We are pleased to learn about such international recognition of our research, but our goals are more ambitious. Our aim is to become one of the top 10 percent of economic research institutions in Europe,“ says Martin Kahanec, scientific director at CELSI, who according to RePEc also led the ranking of Slovak economists by research output in most of 2011.

Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) is the largest international database of economic research papers in the world. Currently, it contains close to 1.1 million articles from more than 30 thousands economists from all over the world. The ranking of authors, institutions and journals is based on the number of citations of their articles and the well-known and widely used concept of the impact factor.

RePEc ranking for Slovakia is available here:





The list of registered organizations in Slovakia

Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) is a non-profit research institute based in Bratislava, Slovakia. It fosters multidisciplinary research about the functioning of labour markets and institutions, work and organizations, business and society, and ethnicity and migration in the economic, social, and political life of modern societies.


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