
EC: The 'Study on Active Inclusion of Migrants' with Martin Kahanec as a lead author out now

The Final Report of the Study on Active Inclusion of Migrants resulting from an 18-month project funded by the European Commission has been published by the EC. The Study was prepared by a team of researchers from the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) Bonn and Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) Dublin coordinated by Martin Kahanec.

Forthcoming article on unemployment benefits and immigration by Martin Kahanec

Unemployment Benefits and Immigration: Evidence from the EU, forthcoming in International Journal of Manpower, accepted 2011 (also CEPR DP 8672; IZA DP 6075; 2011)

New journal article on emigration and trade union strategies by Marta Kahancová

Emigration and labour shortages: An opportunity for trade unions in the New Member States?, European Journal of Industrial Relations, June 2011, vol. 17 no. 2, p.189–203

Martin Kahanec's book about ethnic diversity in European labor markets out now

Ethnic Diversity In European Labor Markets – Challenges and Solutions, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 336 p., 978 1 84844 559 8

Forthcoming article on ethnic job-search strategies by Martin Kahanec

Ethnicity, Job Search and Labor Market Reintegration of the Unemployed, forthcoming in International Journal of Manpower, (accepted 2011). (also IZA DP 4660; 2009)

Martin Kahanec's academic article to appear as a lead article in Economics of Transition

The Russian-Ukrainian Earnings Divide, forthcoming in Economics of Transition, (accepted 2011). (also IZA Discussion Paper 2330, CEPR DP 5904 and DIW Berlin DP 627; 2006)

Industrial Relations in the Health Care Sector

Slovakia: Industrial Relations in the Health Care Sector, European industrial relations observatory online

International Migration, Ethnicity and Economic Inequality

International Migration, Ethnicity and Economic Inequality, in Wiemer Salverda, Brian Nolan and Timothy M. Smeeding, (eds.), Oxford Handbook on Economic Inequality, Oxford: Oxford University Press, (2009), 455–490.(also IZA Discussion Paper 3450, 2008)

High-Skilled Immigration Policy in Europe

High-Skilled Immigration Policy in Europe, in Barry R. Chiswick (ed.) High-Skilled Immigration in a Globalized Labor Market, Washington DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Reseacrh, (2011), 264–314.

The Russian-Ukrainian Political Divide

The Russian-Ukrainian Political Divide, forthcoming in Eastern European Economics, (accepted 2010). (also IZA DP 2530; CEPR DP 6085; and DIW Berlin DP 656; 2006)

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