Archív noviniek
Správy 2014:
- Martin Kahanec completes his US tour with a seminar at New York University
- CELSI's project BARSORIS completed at the final conference in Brussels
- CELSI joins CANWON: Cancer and Work Network
- Marta Kahancova lectures on industrial relations in Central and Eastern Europe at Cornell University
- Kahanec spoke about the free movement of workers in the EU at Princeton University
- CELSI's data team members Brian Fabo and Katarina Gandzalova participated in the closing conference of the WICARE project
- CELSI research quoted by The Economist
- CELSI co-organized international scientific conference "European Labor Markets and the Euro Area during the Great Recession: Adjustment, Transmission, Interactions"
- RePEc ranking of economic research institutions: CELSI No. 1 in Slovakia
- CELSI/NBS/IZA Conference on European Labor Markets and the Euro Area during the Great Recession: Adjustment, Transmission, Interactions
- Martin Kahanec spoke about the free movement of labor in the EU at George Washington University and Rutgers University
- CELSI co-organized ETUI/ETUC conference "Europe at a crossroads. Which way to quality jobs and prosperity?" in Brussels
- Martin Kahanec appointed a member of Expert Panel of the Council for Research, Development and Innovation
- CELSI/ETUI conference in Brussels: Europe at a crossroads. Which way to quality jobs and prosperity?
- CELSI research fellow Pieter Vanhuysse published his latest Policy Brief "‘Workers’ Worries and Labor Market Policies"
- Martin Kahanec talks at IZA/RAND Workshop "Mapping Diasporas in the European Union and the US" in Brussels
- Martin Kahanec and labour economists from 10 EU countries sign "Working Without Borders: A Manifesto for Europe's Future"
- Martin Kahanec speaks about his research on Roma integration
- Brian Fabo talks at "Tools for harmonizing the measurement of occupations" expert workshop in Amsterdam
- Call for Papers: European Labour Markets and the Euro Area during the Great Recession: Adjustment, Transmission, Interactions
- Invitation CELSI Frontiers Seminar: The political unrest in Ukraine: Socio-economic causes and individual responses
- Marta Kahancova speaks at the final conference "Promoting capacity building and improving social dialogue in the commerce sector for the organisations in new Member States and candidate countries"
- CELSI's current projects: WICARE, BARSORIS, New challenges for public services social dialogue
- Marta Kahancova invited speaker in the Thematic Liaison Forum "15 Years of EU Sectoral Social Dialogue – Quo Vadis?"
- Martin Kahanec talks at a European Commission/CEPS expert seminar on migration in Brussels