Martin Myant

Martin Myant
Research Fellow:- University of the West of Scotland
- Economic transformation in East-Central Europe Employment relations Trade unions
Martin Myant is a Professor at the University of the West of Scotland, UK, where he has worked since 1978, teaching courses including Economics and International Business. He studied Economics at the University of Cambridge and gained a PhD in modern Czechoslovak history from the University of Glasgow. His research has covered economic and political development in East Central Europe, including history of the period from 1945 to 1989 and the economic and social transformations since that date. He has led collaborative research projects, including partners from a number of central European countries, and is involved in the FP7 project Neujobs: Creating and Adapting Jobs in Europe in the Context of a Socio-Ecological Transition. He has recently published on varieties of capitalism in former state socialist countries, on employment relations and the influence of trade unions in the Czech Republic and is currently working on a collaborative project on policy responses to economic crisis in Central and Eastern Europe. He is the sole author of five books and joint author, along with Jan Drahokoupil, of Transition Economies: Political Economy in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), shortly to appear in Czech as Tranzitivní ekonomiky Politická ekonomie Ruska, východní Evropy a střední Asie (Academia, 2012).