
Fabo and Sedláková published a new book chapter "Impacts of Liberalization and De-liberalization of Labour Market Regulations in Slovakia"

CELSI's researchers Brian Fabo and Mária Sedláková just published their chapter "Impacts of Liberalization and De-liberalization of Labour Market Regulations in Slovakia" in a new book edited by Agnieszka Piasna and Martin Myant , "Myths of employment deregulation: how it neither creates jobs nor reduces labour market segmentation".

Marta Kahancová and Monika Martišková published a new book chapter "Facing Austerity through Collective Action: Economic Crisis and Public Service Employment Relations"

CELSI's researchers Marta Kahancová and Monika Martišková just published their chapter on Czechia and Slovakia: "Facing Austerity through Collective Action: Economic Crisis and Public Service Employment Relations" in a new book edited by Stephen Bach and Lorenzo Bordogna, "Public Service Management and Employment Relations in Europe".

CELSI's Research fellow Anna Baranowska-Rataj publishes new article "The Causal Effects of the Number of Children on Female Employment - Do European Institutional and Gender Conditions Matter?"

The open-access article, co-authored by Anna M. Matysiak, is published in Journal of Labour Research, September 2016, Volume 37, Issue 3.

Kahanec and Zimmerman publish new book "Labor Migration, EU Enlargement, and the Great Recession"

CELSI's Martin Kahanec and co-editor Klaus F. Zimmermann address some of the most controversial topics related to EU migration today in their latest volume Labor Migration, EU Enlargement, and the Great Recession.

CELSI's study for the European Parliament's Policy Department for Economic and Scientific Policy has been published

The European Parliament's Policy Department for Economic and Scientific Policy published a study "The Social and Employment Situation in Slovakia and Outlook on the Slovak EU Presidency 2016" by CELSI's Martin Kahanec and Mária Sedláková.

New paper by CELSI research affiliate discusses foreign language demand in Eastern Europe

In a special CEPS report CELSI's affiliated researcher Brian Fabo, together with co-authors Miroslav Beblavy and Karolien Lenaerts explore the demand for foreign languages on labor markets of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through an analysis of unique dataset of job ads gathered from the leading job portals in each of the countries.

CELSI's research affiliate Brian Fabo published in IZA Journal of Labour Economics

In January 2016 IZA Journal of Labour Economics (IZA JOLE) published an article co-authored by Karolien Lenaerts, Miroslav Beblavý and Brian Fabo. The research piece discusses the potential of various new (web-based) data sources for economists and is accessible through open access.

Marta Kahancova and Imre Szabo published in European Journal of Industrial Relations

Hospital bargaining in the wake of management reforms: Hungary and Slovakia compared, published in December 2015 issue of European Journal of Industrial Relations.

Článok spolupridruženého výskumníka CELSI Briana Faba bol piublikovaný v

CELSI's research affiliate Brian Fabo discusses changing tune of the debate over issues of poverty and inequality in Slovakia in an essay published in the internationally reputable journal Eastern European Politics and Societies.

Kahancova's article "Central and Eastern European trade unions after the EU enlargement" published in Transfer Special Issue

Kahancova's article Central and Eastern European trade unions after the EU enlargement appears in Transfer Special Issue 3/2015, published in August 2015.

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