Martin Kahanec advises the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic
Martin Kahanec as a project leader and coordinator provided the Slovak Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic with the special advisory report: “The German Labor Market at a Glance: Lessons for Slovakia”
12. december 2010
Conference: Immigration within the EU, the Labour Market and Economic Growth
Kahanec, M.: “Immigration within the EU, the Labour Market and Economic Growth”, European Institute for Public Administration, Maastricht, the Netherlands
7. december 2010
Conference: Monitoring and Evaluation of Roma Projects and Policies
Martin Kahanec contributed to the conference with his speech "The Decade of Roma Inclusion: A Unifying Framework of Progress Measurement and Opinion for Data Collection":http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/conferences/roma/doc/kahanec.ppt
30. november 2010
Martin Kahanec a key speaker at European Commission's conference
“The Czech and Slovak Economies: 17 Years After”, European Commission, DG Economic and Financial Affairs, Brussels, Belgium
19. november 2010
Conference: Ethnic Diversity in European Labor Markets
On October 21st 2010 the joint conference of Fridrich Ebert Stiftung, IZA and CELSI covering the topic “Ethnic Diversity in European Labor Markets: Challenges and Solutions for Slovakia and Europe” took place in Bratislava. Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family was represented by the state secretary Lucia Nicholsonová. Key speech on Ethnic Diversity in the European Labor markets was delivered by Prof. Dr. Klaus F. Zimmermann, President of the Institute of the Study of Labor in Bonn. The issues of Roma minority in Slovakia were covered in panel discussion contributions of Bela Janky, Ph.D., Dr. Jarmila Lajčáková and Slávka Mačáková, Ph.D.
22. október 2010
Martin Kahanec - editorial Committee member of Transfer
Martin Kahanec was appointed member of Editorial Committee of the journal Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research
2. júl 2010
CELSI at the Bratislava Economic Meeting 2010
Empirical study on the barriers of Roma integration and other groups with a high risk of social exclusion on the labour market was the main topic of the contribution of Martin Kahanec at the "Bratislava Economic Meeting 2010":http://www.virtualsciencelab.org/en/econ_meeting_2010.php (BEM).
30. jún 2010
Martin Kahanec elected the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Slovak Economic Association
Martin Kahanec was elected as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Slovak Economic Association
1. máj 2010
Martin Kahanec is a new member of the Slovak Accreditation Commission
Martin Kahanec is appointed a new Member of the Committee for research area 8.2 Economics and Management of the Slovak Accreditation Commission
21. apríl 2010
M. Kahancová receives Best Dissertation Award
CELSI's Managing Director Marta Kahancová receives a prestigious award of the Dutch Sociology Association for the best dissertation defended in the years 2007–2008.
9. apríl 2010