
CELSI team publishes national reports on Hungary and Czechia within the BARMIG project

The national reports on Hungary and Czechia assess constraints, opportunities and challenges for industrial-relations actors, which stem from the increased presence of migrant workers in four traditional sectors – healthcare, construction, hospitality and retail services and metal manufacturing, as well as services provided as part of the digitised economy (i.e., platform work).

Published on
Feb. 17, 2022
Marta Kahancova, the Managing Director of CELSI, will deliver a keynote speech on current developments and future trends on the European labour markets at the Social Impact Voucher (SIV) Conference

The main goal of the EU funded Interreg project Social Impact Vouchers is solving challenges of long-term unemployment by activating private capital.

Published on
Feb. 14, 2022
CELSI expert webinar titled “Labour Markets in Flux: Migrant Workers Integration and the Role of Institutions in Central Eastern Europe”

On February 1st, 2022, CELSI organised an expert webinar titled “Labour Markets in Flux: Migrant Workers Integration and the Role of Institutions in Central Eastern Europe”.

Published on
Feb. 1, 2022
CELSI becomes part of a new Eurofound project on assessing emerging patterns in collective bargaining processes and outcomes due to structural labour market changes

Eurofound has commissioned CELSI to conduct case studies in Czechia and Slovakia that examine developments and emerging topics and priorities for the negotiating parties in both collective bargaining processes and outputs.

Published on
Jan. 25, 2022
The European Parliament publishes CELSI's study on 'The social and employment situation of Roma communities in Slovakia'

The study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL).

Published on
Oct. 31, 2021
Academia Europaea Appoints CELSI's co-Founder and Director Kahanec Chair of Its Economics, Business and Management Sciences Section

Academia Europaea is a European Academy of Humanities, Letters, and Sciences.

Published on
Oct. 1, 2021

We are pleased to announce that the academic article on transformation processes in the automotive industry co-authored by CELSI's researchers Monika Martišková, Patrik Gažo together with Thomas Smith was awarded the Gerpisa Young Author's Prize for outstanding contributions by young scholars to the works of the GERPISA international network.

Published on
June 22, 2021
FINAL DISSEMINATION WORKSHOP of the HOSPEEM-EPSU joint project, Strengthening Social Dialogue in the Hospital Sector in the East, South and Central Europe

The dissemination workshop will bring together national social partners from the targeted regions and other European social partners and associations active in employment and health policy, discussing the project findings and lessons learned. Lastly, we foresee an exchange of views between national and European stakeholders, discussing continued capacity-building activities.

Published on
June 15, 2021
CELSI frontiers webinar: Just transition in the automotive industry
CELSI frontiers webinar: Just transition in the automotive industry

Online webinar for researchers and stakeholders (May 7, 2021)

Published on
April 26, 2021
Projekt 'Chcem pracovať, kto mi pomože?' v médiách!
Projekt 'Chcem pracovať, kto mi pomože?' v médiách!

Projekt 'Chcem pracovať, kto mi pomože?' mal už množtvo publikácií, rovnako ako aj sériu videí na YouTube. Najnovšie o našom výskume napísali aj médiá, viac sa dočítate na:

Published on
March 9, 2021

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