
CELSI launches a new project on sustainable and socially just transnational sectoral labour markets

The project, titled 'Sustainable and socially just transnational sectoral labour markets: Industrial relations and labour market adjustment to the rise in temporary labour migration,' commenced with an engaging two-day event held in Bratislava, Slovakia on January 10th-11th.

Published on
Jan. 22, 2024
Národný seminár týkajúci sa zraniteľných skupín na trhu práce a opatrení na ich ochranu

CELSI Vás srdečne pozýva zúčastniť sa nášho národného semináru k projektu DEFEN-CE, ktorý sa uskutoční 15. novembra 2023 od 11.00 do 12.30 online na platforme Zoom.

Published on
Oct. 31, 2023
Martin Kahanec gives a lecture at Academia Europaea annual conference
Martin Kahanec gives a lecture at Academia Europaea annual conference

CELSI’s co-founder and scientific director Kahanec talks on "Making Sense of New Economies" at the 2023 Annual Conference of Academia Europaea; welcomes new members to the section "Economics, Business and Management Sciences" chaired by him.

Published on
Oct. 10, 2023
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Postdoctoral Fellow/Researcher/Senior Researcher at CELSI
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Postdoctoral Fellow/Researcher/Senior Researcher at CELSI

The Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) invites applications for open research positions at three levels: Postdoctoral Fellow (R2), Researcher (R3), and Senior Researcher (R4) within the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Plan for Slovakia.

Published on
Aug. 1, 2023
WE ARE HIRING: Junior Researcher
WE ARE HIRING: Junior Researcher

Have a passion for surveys and data? Join the dynamic CELSI community and make an impact!

As a Junior Researcher at CELSI, you will play a crucial role in supporting our research efforts and contributing to the development of innovative projects in the field of labour market, wages, and working conditions in Europe and beyond.

Published on
July 28, 2023
CELSI's Kahanec and Guzi present their Labor Supply Study at 2023 SASE Congress in Rio
CELSI's Kahanec and Guzi present their Labor Supply Study at 2023 SASE Congress in Rio

Martin Kahanec presents a joint study with Martin Guzi on the impacts of price hikes on labor supply at the 2023 Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics' Annual Conference "Socio-Economics in a Transitioning World" in Rio de Janeiro on July 20-22, 2023.

Published on
July 22, 2023
CELSI team presented their research at the 8th Regulating for Decent Work Conference at ILO
CELSI team presented their research at the 8th Regulating for Decent Work Conference at ILO

Our colleagues Martin Guzi and Lucia Kováčová presented at the 8th Regulating for Decent Work Conference organized by International Labour Organisation in Geneva.

Published on
July 17, 2023
Fresh study by CELSI researchers on less restrictive immigration and integration policies mitigate immigrants' labor market disadvantage
Fresh study by CELSI researchers on less restrictive immigration and integration policies mitigate immigrants' labor market disadvantage

CELSI's researchers published a research article on the role of immigration and integration policies for immigrant-native labor market hierarchies in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Published on
June 7, 2023
Discussing trade union renewal during the ETUC Congress in Berlin, May 23, 2023
Discussing trade union renewal during the ETUC Congress in Berlin, May 23, 2023

The European Trade Union Institute - ETUI organized a very stimulating discussion on trade union renewal during the 2023 ETUC congress. In the panel discussion, CELSI's Managing Director Marta Kahancová called for more trade union involvement in just transition processes as a renewal opportunity at various levels: unions co-determining just transition policies, expanding themes in collective bargaining, and supporting individual workers in their reskilling.

Published on
June 5, 2023
CELSI publishes a new research report on multi-employer bargaining

Based on extensive literature review, the report presents benefits but also criticism of multi-employer bargaining, its preconditions and overall impact on the society, as well as ways forward for trade unions to support and develop multi-employer bargaining. The report has been prepared in partnership with the WageIndicator Foundation, commissioned by UNI Europa and financially supported by the European Union.

Published on
May 2, 2023

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