
Join us for a session on the regulatory and collective bargaining issues in the gig economy, this Saturday at 10:20-11:30 GMT!

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Join us for a session on the regulatory and collective bargaining issues in the gig economy, this Saturday at 10:20-11:30 GMT!

Publikované dňa 24. január 2024


It has become clear that besides considerable perks such as flexibility and access to (online) work for qualified workers, the gig economy comes with an increased risk of precarity for workers. This session, part of the Oxford Internet Policy and Politics Hybrid Conference, aims to shed light on the critical issues related to gig workers’ rights and needs, specifically focusing on regulatory frameworks, collective bargaining, and transparency in costs and earnings. It will explore effective ways to regulate a rapidly developing sector and examine the possible role of collective bargaining in ensuring fair and sustainable conditions for gig workers.


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