
CELSI researchers attended Trade Union Research Institute conference in Vilnius

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CELSI researchers attended Trade Union Research Institute conference in Vilnius

Publikované dňa 1. október 2022

From 21. to 23. September, CELSI researchers Monika Martišková, Patrik Gažo and Adam Šumichrast attended the TURI (Trade Union Research Institute) conference in Vilnius.

Their presentation, called "Trade union responses to decarbonisation and digitalisation in Slovakia and Czechia: short-term gains versus long-term prospects", was based on the results of several research projects in the past two years.

Besides that, the conference participants discussed the situation of collective bargaining in different countries, the new directive on the European minimum wage and challenges for trade unions related to the climate crisis and just transition. The research network meeting ended with ideas for future research projects in which CELSI will also participate.


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