
Lucia Mýtna Kureková, výskumná pracovníčka CELSI, nedávno uverejnila článok „The automotive industry in Central Europe: A success?"

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Lucia Mýtna Kureková, výskumná pracovníčka CELSI, nedávno uverejnila článok „The automotive industry in Central Europe: A success?"

Publikované dňa 27. september 2018


Lucia Mýtna Kureková, výskumná pracovníčka CELSI, nedávno uverejnila článok „The automotive industry in Central Europe: A success?"

"Central Europe has experienced one of the most impressive growth and convergence stories of recent times. In particular, this has been achieved on the back of foreign-owned, capital-intensive manufacturing production in the automotive sector. With large domestic supplier networks and high skill intensity, the presence of complex industry yields many economic benefits. However, this developmental path is now reaching its limits with the exhaustion of the available skilled workforce, limited investments in upgrading and research, and persistent regional inequalities."

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