
Third call for InGRID-2 visiting grants

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Third call for InGRID-2 visiting grants

Publikované dňa 9. marec 2018


A key activity of the InGRID-2 project is providing transnational access to research infrastructures with data and expertise within the fields of poverty and living conditions. Researchers are invited to apply for free-of-charge access to and support in one of the 16 research infrastructures. Next to access to statistical competence centers with expertise in social science statistical research, access will be granted to major surveys and tools such as LIS, IECM, ECHP, LWS, CNEF, SOEP, EUROMOD, IRISS, SPIN, CSB-MIPI, EWCS, ECS, ESENER, ICTWSS, WISCO, EU-LFS, EU micro data sets, … in research infrastructures with extensive experience in working with these data.

In this call, 11 InGRID-2 data centres offer access to data and expertise within the field of inclusive growth, poverty, living conditions, working conditions, vulnerable groups, social policy, ...

Deadline applications: 8 April 2018

Feedback to applicants: first week of June 2018

Visits from July 2018 onwards

Next call will be launched in June 2018

More information:


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