
CELSI participated in kick-off meetings of new projects: PRECARIR, NEWIN, WIBAR-3 and WITA GPG

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CELSI participated in kick-off meetings of new projects: PRECARIR, NEWIN, WIBAR-3 and WITA GPG

Publikované dňa 10. marec 2015


CELSI team is happy to announce that we have been awarded several new EU-funded international research projects: “The rise of the dual labour market: fighting precarious employment in the new member states through industrial relations” (PRECARIR), “NEWIN - Negotiating Wage (In)Equality”, "WageIndicator Support for Bargaining - 3” (WIBAR-3) and “With innovative tools against gender pay gap” (WITA GPG).

In January, Marta Kahancová and Mária Sedláková attended PRECARIR’s kick-off meeting in Dublin and WIBAR-3's meeting in Amsterdam. In February, Mária Sedláková represented CELSI at the NEWIN’s kick-off meeting in Bergamo, Italy. On March 9, 2015 the CELSI team (Martin Kahanec, Marta Kahancová, Tomáš Kabina, Katarína Gandžalová, Mária Sedlákova, Zuzana Šmehylová) met with partners of the WITA GPG project in Bratislava.

PRECARIR explores how the strategies of employers and trade unions across 10 EU member states (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Greece, Latvia and Lithuania) represent the interest of non-standard and vulnerable groups in precarious employment forms in the labour market; and how the needs of these groups are addressed in the process of collective bargaining and other initiatives by the social partners.

NEWIN examines the role of industrial relations and national social partners views on their roles and responsibilities in regulating wage inequalities in Slovakia, Germany, UK, Italy and the Netherlands at the several levels of industrial relations – national, sectoral and company level.

WIBAR-3 aims to improve expertise concerning the interaction of bargaining structures and practices on the one hand and competitive and employment structures in the European Union on the other hand, and to discuss its results in the European trade union movement.

WITA GPG shares and compares information on wages, labour law and career in all 28 EU countries plus Turkey (EU-28+Turkey). The goal of WITA GPG is to produce information that supports trade unions in the EU-28+Turkey to negotiate Collective Bargaining Agreements that positively impact on the gender pay gap, and heightens the awareness of the general public of why the gender pay gap exists and how it can be decreased.


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