BARMETAL: Digitalizácia, automatizácia a dekarbonizácia: Príležitosť na posilnenie kolektívneho vyjednávania v kovopriemysle
Partners of the BARMETAL project held a second monthly meeting on January 27th, 2023

27. január 2023
The second monthly meeting of the project took place online on January 27th, 2023 from 14:00 to 15:30 CET.
The following agenda was discussed:
- Concept note
- Questionnaire structure
- Case selection strategy
All partners have raised fruitful comments and suggestions about the concept note, case selection strategy and the interview grids.
Matters of discussion were about:
- Theoretical framework
- Inclusion of steel industry
- Entry points to establishments: management vs trade unions vs employer associations
- Collection of material