
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace


2024 - 2025

Číslo projektu:


Project covers six countries: Slovakia, Croatia, Czechia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Greece.


  1. Improve the knowledge and data situation for this particular problem area, and analyse across countries within the EU how different legal frameworks and "lived practices" in institutions such as police and justice impact it.
  2. To make policy recommendations based on this analysis.
  3. To develop a training series for workers councils & union representatives.

The preliminary analysis of the availability of the data on sexual harassment and violence at the workplace (SHW) showed that in some countries the data on prevalence, risk factors, health and safety impact, reaction/reporting rate, etc. are partially available, but the datasets are not comprehensive in terms for answering the research questions below.

No dataset covers all variables to answer all three research questions which are important for achieving the project goals.

Research questions:

  1. How have the victims reacted, and why have they behaved in this way? (Important for assessing the legal framework and "lived practices" in a country.)
  2. What suggestions for improvement do have the victims of sexual harassment? (Important for policy recommendations and the training series.)
  3. Does it make a difference whether the victims are unionized or not? (This is important for our partners to know; our working hypothesis is that union members are more aware of their rights and possibilities.)

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