Discussion Papers

Enhancing the Effectiveness of Social Dialogue Articulation in Europe: Conceptual and Analytical Framework in a Multi-Level Governance Perspective


Enhancing the Effectiveness of Social Dialogue Articulation in Europe: Conceptual and Analytical Framework in a Multi-Level Governance Perspective

Authors: Kahancová, M. , Martišková, M. and Nordlund, C.
Published: November 2019
Keywords: social dialogue, articulation, EU-level social dialogue, multi-level governance
JEL classification: J08, J50, J51, J81, P52, Z13


This paper elaborates a conceptual and analytical framework to study social dialogue articulation and its effectiveness in the EU. The framework derives from a multi-level governance perspective that seeks to account for the diversity of state and non-state actors involved at various levels of social dialogue. Effectiveness of social dialogue is conceptualized as the ability of social dialogue committees to deliver specific outcomes, while the effectiveness of social dialogue articulation in conceptualized as the ability to transpose social dialogue outcomes achieved at one level of social dialogue to another level of social dialogue and to implement EU-level social dialogue outcomes in nationally specific institutional and legislative conditions of diverse EU members states. The framework for analysis also includes three interrelated methodological suggestions for empirical study, including a quantitative survey among social partners, qualitative interviews for in-depth insights as well as network analysis in order to identify strong ties between involved actors that inform expectations on effective articulation of social dialogue between national and EU-level social dialogue structures.

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