Marta Kahancová, Monika Martišková and Mária Sedláková recently published a new book chapter "Slovakia: Between coordination and fragmentation".
CELSI researchers Marta Kahancová, Monika Martišková and Mária Sedláková recently published a new book chapter "Slovakia: Between coordination and fragmentation" in the new book edited by Torsten Müller, Kurt Vandaele and Jeremy Waddington, "Collective bargaining in Europe: towards an endgame. Volume I, II, III and IV".
Marta Kahancová and Mária Sedláková published a new book chapter "Slovak Trade Unions at a Crossroads – From Bargaining to the Public Arena”
CELSI managing director Marta Kahancova and CELSI researcher Mária Sedláková recently published their chapter "Slovak Trade Unions at a Crossroads – From Bargaining to the Public Arena" in a new book edited by Rudolf Traub-Merz and Tim Pringle, "Trade unions in transition : From command to market economies".
Bernaciak and Kahancová publish new book "Innovative union practices in Central-Eastern Europe"
CELSI's researchers Bernaciak and Kahancová just published their new book, "Innovative union practices in Central-Eastern Europe", featuring a chapter "Reinventing the role of the Czech trade unions: halfway through the journey" by Martišková and Sedláková and chapter "From bargaining to advocacy: a trade-off between improved working conditions and trade union fragmentation in Slovakia" by Kahancová.
Martin Kahanec published a new book chapters "A Sustainable Immigration Policy for the EU" and “EU Mobility”
CELSI's researcher Martin Kahancec in cooperatin with Jo Ritzen just published their chapters "A Sustainable Immigration Policy for the EU" and “EU Mobility” in a new book edited by Ritzen , " A Second Chance for Europe".
Fabo and Sedláková published a new book chapter "Impacts of Liberalization and De-liberalization of Labour Market Regulations in Slovakia"
CELSI's researchers Brian Fabo and Mária Sedláková just published their chapter "Impacts of Liberalization and De-liberalization of Labour Market Regulations in Slovakia" in a new book edited by Agnieszka Piasna and Martin Myant , "Myths of employment deregulation: how it neither creates jobs nor reduces labour market segmentation".
Marta Kahancová and Monika Martišková published a new book chapter "Facing Austerity through Collective Action: Economic Crisis and Public Service Employment Relations"
CELSI's researchers Marta Kahancová and Monika Martišková just published their chapter on Czechia and Slovakia: "Facing Austerity through Collective Action: Economic Crisis and Public Service Employment Relations" in a new book edited by Stephen Bach and Lorenzo Bordogna, "Public Service Management and Employment Relations in Europe".
Kahanec and Zimmerman publish new book "Labor Migration, EU Enlargement, and the Great Recession"
CELSI's Martin Kahanec and co-editor Klaus F. Zimmermann address some of the most controversial topics related to EU migration today in their latest volume Labor Migration, EU Enlargement, and the Great Recession.
Special issue of International Journal of Manpower with Martin Kahanec as a guest editor published now
International Journal of Manpower, special issue on “Migration, the Welfare State, and European Labor Markets”, Vol. 34, No. 1+2, (2013)