
Martin Kahanec delivered a speech about migration policy at the European Parliament
Martin Kahanec delivered a speech about migration policy at the European Parliament

Martin Kahanec spoke at the conference "Mobility - how to make it work? : Towards a new European paradigm on migration" organized by the Greens/European Free Alliance at the European Parliament in Brussels.

Published on
Nov. 20, 2012
Martin Kahanec and Lucia Kurekova testify before the Advisory Committee on Free Movement of Workers of the European Commission
Martin Kahanec and Lucia Kurekova testify before the Advisory Committee on Free Movement of Workers of the European Commission

Martin Kahanec and Lucia Kurekova testified as invited experts before the "Advisory Committee on Free Movement of Workers" of the European Commission on the impact of labour mobility after EU enlargements.

Published on
Oct. 31, 2012
Martin Kahanec panelist at a European Commission conference on the European Single Market
Martin Kahanec panelist at a European Commission conference on the European Single Market

On October 22, 2012, Martin Kahanec spoke in the panel on Mobility - barriers, slacks, effects at the conference on "EU Single Market: Together towards New Growth?"

Published on
Oct. 22, 2012
Martin Kahanec coorganizes the 5th IZA/CEUR workshop on EU Enlargement and the Labor Markets
Martin Kahanec coorganizes the 5th IZA/CEUR workshop on EU Enlargement and the Labor Markets

Martin Kahanec coorganized the 5th Workshop on EU Enlargement and the Labor Markets: Migration, Crisis, and Adjustment in an Enlarged E(M)U on October 12-13, 2012, in Budapest.

Published on
Oct. 13, 2012
Martin Kahanec gives a lecture on immigrant integration at a European Migration Network seminar
Martin Kahanec gives a lecture on immigrant integration at a European Migration Network seminar

Martin Kahanec gives a lecture at a European Migration Network workshop "Migration Globally and Locally" on “Social and labor market inclusion of migrants: Myths and veracities in the EU”.The workshop took place on August 20-23, 2012, in Bratislava.

Published on
Sept. 20, 2012
Marta Kahancova invited to the workshop at the University of Denver
Marta Kahancova invited to the workshop at the University of Denver

Marta Kahancova invited to the workshop on Employment Policy Responses to the Crisis at the University of Denver, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, Colorado, USA

Published on
June 1, 2012
Invited lecture by Martin Kahanec on Ethnic Diversity at the University of Denver
Invited lecture by Martin Kahanec on Ethnic Diversity at the University of Denver

Invited lecture by Martin Kahanec on Ethnic Diversity in the European Labour Markets at the University of Denver, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, Colorado, USA

Published on
May 31, 2012
Martin Kahanec becomes the managing editor of the IZA Journal of European Labor Studies
Martin Kahanec becomes the managing editor of the IZA Journal of European Labor Studies

The IZA Journal of European Labor Studies publishes high-quality international research on a wide range of issues of relevance for European labor markets. In its scope it is policy-oriented and focused on applied research work.

Published on
May 6, 2012
Martin Kahanec advises the World Bank on the lessons from Europe's migration for ASEAN
Martin Kahanec advises the World Bank on the lessons from Europe's migration for ASEAN

Martin Kahanec advises the World Bank on the lessons from the European Unions' migration experience related to its recent enlargements as well as European Neighborhood Policy for the ASEAN countries.

Published on
April 13, 2012
Martin Kahanec invited panelist at EC's expert conference on Employment and Social Developments in Europe
Martin Kahanec invited panelist at EC's expert conference on Employment and Social Developments in Europe

Martin Kahanec commented on chapter 6 "Intra-EU mobility and the impact of enlargement" at an expert conference on Employment and Social Developments in Europe Review 2011 organized by the European Commission, DG EMPL, February 9, 2012, Brussels.

Published on
Feb. 10, 2012

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