
CELSI researchers contributed to a chapter in the book about economic growth in Slovakia, published by Emerald Publishing
CELSI researchers contributed to a chapter on the uncertain position and dependency of the automotive industry in Slovakia, published by Emerald Publishing.

CELSI contributed to an "indispensable handbook for researchers in the field of industrial relations"
A review of the book Trade Unions in the EU: Picking up the Pieces of the Neoliberal Challenge, to which several CELSI researchers contributed, has been published in the journal Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Arbeiterkammer Wien).

CELSI researchers Monika Martišková, Pavol Bors, Tibor T Meszmann and Adam Šumichrast contributed to the ETUI book titled "Are multinational companies good for trade unions?"
CELSI researchers Monika Martišková, Pavol Bors, Tibor T Meszmann and Adam Šumichrast contributed to the book with three case studies that address the situation in the Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia.

CELSI co-founder and director Martin Kahanec published a chapter on education in CEPR book on Rebuilding Ukraine: Principles and Policies
Martin Kahanec contributed a chapter on Education Reforms during and after the War to the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) book on Rebuilding Ukraine: Principles and Policies. ollowing up on the CEPR blueprint on the reconstruction of Ukraine, the CEPR has put together a group of scientists around the world, with two lead authors on each chapter – one from the EU and one from Ukraine – to provide a salient detailed roadmap covering various sectors and policy areas for the reconstruction of Ukraine from Day 1.

New chapter by Marta Kahancová and Barbora Holubová titled "Revisiting the Concept of Precarious Work in Times of Covid-19" published
CELSI is pleased to announce the publishing of a new book titled "Faces of Precarity". CELSI researchers Marta Kahancová and Barbora Holubová contributed to the book with the chapter titled "Revisiting the Concept of Precarious Work in Times of Covid-19".

New book chapter by Barbora Holubová, Marta Kahancová, Mária Sedláková and Adam Šumichrast: "Return to work practice in Slovakia: matching best practice with the scope of social partner activity"
The chapter "Return to work practice in Slovakia matching best practice with the scope of social partner activity", authored by CELSI researchers, was just published in a new ETUI book titled "Continuing at work: Long-term illness, return to work schemes and the role of industrial relations".

CELSI's Marta Kahancová contributed to a new book "Minimum Wage Regimes Statutory Regulation, Collective Bargaining and Adequate Levels"
Marta Kahancová contributed with a chapter with Vassil Kirov titled "Shaping minimum wages in Central and Eastern Europe: Giving up collective bargaining in favour of legal regulation?" and a second chapter with Elizardo Scarpati Costa titled "Minimum wages and inequality mitigation in post-dictatorship industrial relations systems in Latin America: The case of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay".

CELSI's Marta Kahancová, Mária Sedláková and Monika Martišková contributed to a new ETUI book "Working under pressure"
CELSI's Marta Kahancová and Mária Sedláková contributed with their chapter on the Slovak public sector and Monika Martišková on the Czech public sector to a new book "Working under pressure: Employment, job quality and labour relations in Europe’s public sector since the crisis", published by European Trade Union Institute.