
Simona Brunnerová

Simona Brunnerová

Researcher Research areas:
  • Care, Inequalities and Vulnerabilities, Social Dialogue and Collective Bargaining

Simona Brunnerová has been with CELSI since October 2021 and she currently holds the researcher position. She has expertise in qualitative studies of trade unions and collective bargaining, public procurement, new topics in collective agreements, and trade union activities on behalf of vulnerable groups in the labour market. Simona supports research on public procurement to support ELA’s European Platform Tackling Undeclared Work, and a research project analyzing the use of algorithmic management in collective agreements, commissioned by UNI Europa. She is the author of a Research Report on the use of social clauses in public procurement and a co-author of a research report on Social Dialogue in Defence of Vulnerable Groups in the post-COVID-19 labour markets in Czechia and Slovakia. Simona earned her M.A. in Public Policy in 2023 at the Comenius University in Bratislava.

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