
Petr Mezihorák: SHARE
Petr Mezihorák: SHARE

We would like to invite you to a seminar during which Petr Mezihorák will present his research called SHARE.

The research aims to understand from an international perspective the situation of self-employers without employees as an emblematic category of workers violating the traditional employer/employee dichotomy.

Published on
Dec. 12, 2018
Monika Martišková: The Future of Workers in the Slovak Automotive Industry
Monika Martišková: The Future of Workers in the Slovak Automotive Industry

We would like to invite you to a seminar during which Monika Martišková from our institute will present her research The Future of Workers in the Slovak Automotive Industry.

Published on
Nov. 20, 2018
Lucia Mýtna Kureková recently published an article "The automotive industry in Central Europe: A success?"
Lucia Mýtna Kureková recently published an article "The automotive industry in Central Europe: A success?"

Lucia Mýtna Kureková, CELSI research fellow, recently published an article "The automotive industry in Central Europe: A success?" on the IZA World of Labor website.

Published on
Sept. 27, 2018
Marta Kahancová and Mária Sedláková recently published their chapter "Slovak Trade Unions at a Crossroads – From Bargaining to the Public Arena"
Marta Kahancová and Mária Sedláková recently published their chapter "Slovak Trade Unions at a Crossroads – From Bargaining to the Public Arena"

CELSI managing director Marta Kahancová and CELSI researcher Mária Sedláková recently published their chapter "Slovak Trade Unions at a Crossroads – From Bargaining to the Public Arena" in a new book edited by Rudolf Traub-Merz and Tim Pringle, "Trade unions in transition : From command to market economies".

Published on
Sept. 20, 2018
Symposium: Borders, Borderlands, and Migration
Symposium: Borders, Borderlands, and Migration

CELSI managing director Marta Kahancova and scientific director Martin Kahanec presented at the joint symposium of University of California Berkeley and the Central European University Budapest, titled "Borders, Borderlands, and Migration".

Published on
Sept. 12, 2018
BARCOM REPORTS: With innovative tools for bargaining support in the commerce sector
BARCOM REPORTS: With innovative tools for bargaining support in the commerce sector

CELSI's researchers in cooperation with researchers from AIAS and EUBA recently published reports from the "BARCOM: With innovative tools for bargaining support in the commerce sector" project.

Published on
June 27, 2018
CELSI Frontiers Seminar
CELSI Frontiers Seminar

We are most kindly inviting you to CELSI Frontiers Seminar on the topic "Configuring globalized capitalisms: assembly platforms, intermediate producers, and combined roles in Central and Eastern Europe" with Besnik Pula, from Department of Political Science, Virginia Tech.

Published on
May 11, 2018
InGRID-2 seminar on inequality
InGRID-2 seminar on inequality

We are pleased to invite you to an informal seminar, where two of our visiting scholars (via InGRID project, 4 year project by the European H2020-programme) will present their research on inequality.

Published on
March 19, 2018
Press Release: CELSI supports Central European University in Budapest

Tlačová správa: Vyhlásenie Stredoeurópskeho inštitútu pre výskum práce (CELSI) k bezprostrednému ohrozeniu akademických slobôd a Stredoeurópskej univerzity (CEU) v Budapešti

Vedenie CELSI týmto vyjadruje solidaritu so Stredoeurópskou univerzitou (CEU) v Budapešti. Sme hlboko znepokojení v súvislosti s legislatívnym návrhom, ktorý bezprostredne ohrozuje akademické slobody a znemožňuje ďalšie pôsobenie CEU v Budapešti.

Published on
March 31, 2017
CELSI Fellows Jan Drahokoupil and Brian Fabo published a policy brief dealing with the labour market effects of the online work platforms
CELSI Fellows Jan Drahokoupil and Brian Fabo published a policy brief dealing with the labour market effects of the online work platforms

The ETUI policy brief "The platform economy and the disruption of the employment relationship" considers the impact of online platforms on labour markets and on the employment relationship in particular.

Published on
Jan. 9, 2017

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