
EESDA: Enhancing the Effectiveness of Social Dialogue Articulation in Europe


2018 - 2019

Project number:


EESDA is a research project that brings together five consortium partners with the aim to advance the current knowledge and expertise on the articulation of social dialogue in Europe and its relation to the effectiveness of social dialogue. It studies the ways in which social dialogue between public and private actors at different levels functions and the channels through which EU level social dialogue - across and within sectors- affects the actors, decisions and outcomes at the national and sub-national level, and vice versa. As social dialogue is not a one-dimensional process, the interactions and relations between the involved actors are complex. EESDA, therefore, takes a mixed methods approach that starts from a very broad perspective which is specified in following stages of the research.

More specifically, the project starts with an assessment of all sectors in the EU27 by means of desk research and an online survey. It then concentrates on 6 EU member states (i.e. Estonia, Ireland, France, Portugal, Slovakia and Sweden – with distinct industrial relations models and traditions) in which 4 sectors (i.e. construction, commerce, education and healthcare and hospitals – with in each case a focus on a specific occupation) are examined via interviews, case studies and discourse analysis. The findings from these two exercises are completed using network analysis that sets out to visualise and reveal strong and weak ties between different actors. The analysis is focused on the EU as well as the national and sub-national levels and also takes a comparative perspective, drawing lessons for experiences and best practices in other sectors and countries. The analysis considers efforts that have a direct and indirect impact on social dialogue, such as EU Directives or programme funding.


EU-wide survey results on social dialogue articulation (Monika Martišková and Gábor Szüdi, CELSI)

Social dialogue articulation at sectoral level: construction and retail (Mehtap Akgüç, CEPS and Alexandra Costa Artur, CCP)

Enhancing social dialogue articulation in Europe: Case Study of Sweden (Bengt Larsson and Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Göteborgs universitet)

Network Analysis of European Social Dialogue (Carl Nordlund, Linköping University)

European-level social dialogue: a brief overview of its developments, actors and effectiveness (Mehtap Akgüç and Sara Baiocco, CEPS)

EESDA webinar: Estonia (Jaan Masso, University of Tartu)


Published on Nov. 4, 2019 in Research and policy reports

CELSI researchers Monika Martišková and Gábor Szüdi, together with Mehtap Akgüç from CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies) and Carl Nordlund recently published EESDA Project Report: "Stakeholders’ views on and experiences with the articulation of social dialogue and its effectiveness".

Project events

Dec. 17, 2019

National Seminar, France

Nov. 25, 2019

National seminar, Slovakia

Nov. 21, 2019

Final Conference: Lisbon

Oct. 29, 2019

National Seminar, Sweden

Oct. 29, 2019

National seminar, Ireland

Oct. 10, 2019

National Seminar, Portugal

July 4, 2019

EESDA second project meeting: Brussels

Feb. 28, 2019

EESDA project meeting, Brussels

July 11, 2018

EESDA First interim project meeting: Tartu

Feb. 12, 2018

EESDA project kick off meeting: Bratislava

Project partners:

CEPS, Belgium

CELSI, Slovakia

CCP, Portugal

University of Gothenburg, Sweden

University of Tartu, Estonia

Linköping University, Sweden

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