
CEECAW: Challenges for Organising and Collective Bargaining in Care, Administration and Waste collection sectors in Central Eastern European Countries


2023 - 2025

Project number:

Co-funded by the European Union

The aim of the project is to develop collective bargaining (CB) in three sectors in the EU Central Eastern European countries (CEEC) and Serbia (an EU candidate country).

The project aims to support trade unions (at sectoral and national levels) in implementing the goals indicated in Article 4 of the Adequate Minimum Wage Directive in the EU Directive, namely, increase the number of workers covered by collective bargaining agreements up to at least 80% of the labour force.

The Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) – Poland coordinates the project. CELSI will cover three CEEC countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia.

The project involves conducting research on the state of social dialogue and collective bargaining in specific sectors, as well as analysing the expectations and requirements of national trade unions regarding the implementation of Article 4 (CB development) in CEEC.

As part of this research, the project aims to develop 12 national reports, 4 comparative reports, and 4 policy papers in the care, waste management, and central public administration sectors, focused on CEEC and Serbia.

The conclusions drawn from the comparative reports will be presented and discussed at 4 scientific seminars, which will be conducted online in English or in another language, such as Polish, Lithuanian, Slovak or Bulgarian.

To enhance the capacity of trade unions in three sectors to engage in collective bargaining, five National CB Boost Workshops will be organized in Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, and Serbia.

The workshop in Slovakia will be attended online by unions from Czechia and Hungary (interpretation will be provided). The CB Boost Workshops will be attended also by EPSU representatives.

The project will also develop policy papers that can serve as the basis for further work. discussion for social partners in CEE countries and inspire public authorities. The project will culminate in a Brussels Roundtable, allowing for a broad stakeholder debate.

Project events

Jan. 16, 2025

Invitation to the Boost Workshop, focused on enhancing and expanding collective bargaining in Slovakia, Hungary, and Czechia

Nov. 10, 2024

CEECAW Project Meeting Recap

Oct. 10, 2024

The first newsletter of the CEECAW project

Sept. 4, 2024

Fieldwork Seminar in Belgrade

Feb. 12, 2024

Project Meeting Sets Methodological Groundwork for Sectoral Research

Nov. 20, 2023

CEECAW Project Kick-Off Meeting Sets Stage for Research Activities

Project partners:

Instytut Spraw Publicznych

Fondacija Centar za demokratiju

Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Polish Federation of Social Workers and Social Service Employees Unions

The European Federation of Public Service Unions

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