
BARWAGE – The importance of collective bargaining for wage setting in the European Union


2022 - 2024

Project number:

This project has received financial support from the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

The BARWAGE project studied the importance of collective bargaining for wage setting in the European Union Member States. The project investigated the extent to which collective bargaining contributes to the goal of fixing adequate wages in the EU, and subsequently explored the extent to which and way in which collectively bargained provisions leave a discretionary space for individual employers to make decisions on pay.

Project goals:

  1. To quantify the wage-setting arenas in EU27 by performing quantitative analyses.
  2. To determine to what extent and how collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) in nine EU countries (AT, BG, CZ, EE, ES, IT, FR, NL, PT) set wage levels and wage increases and whether patterns by industry and bargaining level can be identified per country.
  3. To determine which arenas are important for wage setting in industries across nine EU countries in cases where wages are not set by pay scale tables in CBAs.
  4. To determine for which workers pay scales included in CBAs set wages in industries across nine EU countries in cases where wages are by pay scale tables in CBAs.
  5. To determine to what extent are wages set through collective bargaining, broken down by country, industry and bargaining level and can the four wage-setting arenas be quantified for nine EU countries.

The lead partner of the project is the Utrecht University in Netherlands.

All of the BARWAGE reports can be found here:


Project partners:

WageIndicator Foundation

Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI)

Fondazione Giuseppe di Vittorio (FDV)

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