pre výskum
Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) is an independent, non-profit, and non-partisan research institute located in Bratislava, Slovakia. Established in 2008, CELSI specializes in multidisciplinary research concerning labour markets and institutions, work and organizations, and business and society.
New publications

CELSI researchers contributed to the ELA study on undeclared work in public procurement contracts
The ELA’s study evaluating policy responses to prevent undeclared work in public procurement contracts was co-authored by CELSI Managing Director Marta Kahancová and Junior Researcher Simona Brunnerová.

CELSI researchers Marta Kahancová and Tibor Meszmann contributed to a special issue of Transfer review on industrial relations and trade union movements over the last 20 years
CELSI researchers Marta Kahancová and Tibor Meszmann contributed to a special issue of Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, providing a comprehensive picture of developments in industrial relations and trade union movements across Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries under the influence of EU enlargement.

CELSI researchers contributed to a chapter in the book about economic growth in Slovakia, published by Emerald Publishing
CELSI researchers contributed to a chapter on the uncertain position and dependency of the automotive industry in Slovakia, published by Emerald Publishing.

CELSI contributed to an "indispensable handbook for researchers in the field of industrial relations"
A review of the book Trade Unions in the EU: Picking up the Pieces of the Neoliberal Challenge, to which several CELSI researchers contributed, has been published in the journal Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Arbeiterkammer Wien).
New Discussion Papers
Immigration, Partnership Dynamics and Welfare Persistence
Does migrants’ consumption of cultural goods impact on their economic integration? Disclosing the culture-to-market pathway
Pathways to Inclusion: Labour Market Perspectives on Ukrainian Refugees
New Research Reports
BARWAGE: Discretion and (de)centralization in wage bargaining in the construction, hospitality, urban transport and waste management sectors: A Study on Austria
BARWAGE: Discretion and (de)centralization in wage bargaining in the construction, hospitality, urban transport and waste management sectors: A Study on Czechia
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