Monika Martišková

Monika Martišková
Senior Researcher Research areas:- Caring Societies, Labour Mobility, Green and Digital Transitions
Monika Martišková, PhD. is a researcher at Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) Bratislava, Slovakia and at the department of Social Geography and Regional Development at Charles University in Prague, Czechia. She is interested in industrial relations and collective bargaining in CEE countries focusing on automotive industry. In her most recent research, she focuses on effects of decarbonization on the labour market and working conditions in industrial sectors. She has been involved in several research projects supported by European Commission that concentrated on the responses of social partners on challenges on the labour market in Czechia and Slovakia in the private and public sector. She has also participated on several research projects dealing with income inequalities, regional disparities or active labour market policies in Slovakia and Czechia. She has experience in both, qualitative and quantitative data analysis. In 2022 she defended her PhD. thesis at Charles University on the topic of labour in global production networks studied on the example of trade unions in the automotive industry in Czechia and Slovakia.