Gábor Szüdi

Gábor Szüdi
Senior Researcher Research areas:- Social Dialogue and Collective Bargaining
Gábor Szüdi is a project analyst at Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) Bratislava, currently involved in international research projects focused on inclusive growth, research infrastructures, collective bargaining and social dialogue. As a research associate at the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) in Vienna, Gábor also manages Excellence-in-ReSTI, an interregional research project dealing with a novel blended learning format. He has experience in social research in the area of income inequality, research and innovation policies, innovative solutions in public service issues using qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods, comparative policy analysis and project management. Gábor holds an MA Degree in International Relations (Corvinus University of Budapest) and Translation in Social Sciences and Economics (Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences) and received his PhD degree in Economic Policy from the University of Economics in Bratislava. Gábor was previously working at the Hungarian National Research and Technology Office as a desk officer responsible for international R&D&I programmes (EUREKA/Eurostars, FP7).