Dumitru Sandu

Dumitru Sandu
Research Fellow:- University of Bucharest, Bucharest
- Migration Community and Regional Development State of mind sociology (life satisfaction, optimism, trust) European integration and identification
Dumitru Sandu is professor of sociology at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work. His main areas of current research and teaching are in transnational migration, spatial development at community and regional level and state of mind sociology (life satisfaction, optimism, trust). His most recent publications are on social worlds of Romanian migrants abroad (2010), home orientation of immigrants (2010), comparison of Romanian and Morocco immigrants in Spain from the point of labour market segmentation (2012) and the role of migration experience in modernising Romanian society (2010) . His work in public opinion area goes from designing large national surveys - as coordinator of Public Opinion Barometer of the Soros Foundation (1995-2007) , survey on migration experience abroad (2006), survey of Romanian immigrants in Spain (2008) - to analysing Eurobarometer data as national raporteur for Romania (2004-2008) or comparing subjective Romania to other countries of EU from the point of Eurobarometer data 2006-2011. Professor Sandu initiated and coordinated a community census of migration: the emergent temporary emigration abroad was mapped for all the about 12500 villages of the country by using key informants from local communities (2001, results published in Current Sociology 2005).