
CELSI's Success in Horizon Europe Highlights Commitment to Research Excellence

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CELSI's Success in Horizon Europe Highlights Commitment to Research Excellence

Published on Feb. 19, 2025


CELSI's dedication to academic excellence is reaffirmed by its strong performance in the prestigious Horizon Europe research program, where we rank No. 3 in our research area in Slovakia.

The Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development in Brussels (SLORD) recently reflected on a decade of supporting Slovak science through Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe.

We are proud that CELSI ranked among the top three Slovak institutions in one of the six key clusters of the current Horizon Europe program.

Within the Culture, Creativity, and Inclusive Society cluster, CELSI has secured funding for three groundbreaking research projects:

  • INTEGRATE-DIALOGUE: Strengthening the EU's Labour Market in the Digital and Green Age

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  • EGRUiEN: Supporting the Digital and Green Transition through Revitalized and Inclusive Union-Employer Negotiations

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  • TRANSEUROWORKS: Transforming European Work and Social Protection

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At CELSI, our mission is to conduct rigorous, internationally recognized, and innovative multidisciplinary research that informs evidence-based policymaking for a dignified and sustainable labour market. We are also committed to fostering talent in the field of labour research.

Our success in Horizon Europe - the EU's flagship research and innovation funding program - showcases our research expertise and validates our legitimacy in evidence-based policymaking, reinforcing our role in shaping the future of work.

We thank our consortium partners and supporters and we congratulate all the other successful research teams!


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