
CELSI contributed to an "indispensable handbook for researchers in the field of industrial relations"

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CELSI contributed to an "indispensable handbook for researchers in the field of industrial relations"

Published on Oct. 2, 2024


A review of the book Trade Unions in the EU: Picking up the Pieces of the Neoliberal Challenge, to which several CELSI researchers contributed, has been published in the journal Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Arbeiterkammer Wien).

This book by Jeremy Waddington, Torsten Müller and Kurt Vandaele published via Peter Lang International Academic Publishers and European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) provides a comprehensive comparative overview of the development, structure, and policies of trade unions across the 27 EU Member States from 2000 to 2020. It offers an in-depth analysis of the neoliberal challenges these organizations face, as well as their strategic and policy responses.

“In this way, the volume offers a comprehensive and nuanced picture of the state of European trade unions,” noted Michael Mesch, the author of the review, who also described the book as "an indispensable handbook for researchers in the field of industrial relations."

CELSI director Marta Kahancova, together with Monika Uhlerová, the president of the Confederation of Trade Unions of the Slovak Republic/Konfederácia odborových zväzov SR, contributed Chapter on Trade Unions in Slovakia: "From Politics to Bread-and-Butter Unionism".

CELSI researchers Monika Martiskova and Adam Šumichrast authored Chapter on Czechia: Trade Unions Escaping Marginalization. Additionally, Chapter on Hungary, titled "After the End of Illusions, Trade Unions on the Brink of Marginality", was written by CELSI researcher Tibor Meszmann, together with Imre G. Szabó.

The link to the review:

The link to the book:


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