
Pavol Bors presented about just transition at the EuroMemo Conference on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe

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Pavol Bors presented about just transition at the EuroMemo Conference on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe

Published on Sept. 12, 2024


Climate change, biodiversity loss, the Covid-19 pandemic, energy, cost-of-living, care, and reproduction crises, increasing inequalities, the war in Ukraine, and a crisis of democracy.

Are these shocks isolated, or should we rather see these recent developments in the EU in the context of a polycrisis?

The future and trends of European and global developments will be the main focus of the 30th Annual EuroMemo Group Conference on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe, co-organised by the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, taking place from 12th to 14th September 2024 in Vienna.

At this year’s conference, focused on the topic "Europe and the World Beyond the Polycrisis: Possible Futures," CELSI researcher Pavol Bors, representing Comenius University in Bratislava, will participate.

Pavol joined Workshop 5, chaired by Maria Karamessini and Anne Eydoux, which seeked to explore fiscal and economic governance and decent work. He presented a paper on the influence of a just transition on employment policies in Slovakia.

Agenda of the conference:

Pavol Bors’s paper:


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