
Third transnational workshop of the REJEnerAXion project

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Third transnational workshop of the REJEnerAXion project

Published on Feb. 23, 2024


Here's a glimpse into the agenda:

The REJEnerAXion Project Overview: Serena Rugiero from Fondazione Di Vittorio (FDV), provided insights into the project's aims, objectives, and preliminary results, laying a solid foundation for our discussions.

Panel Discussion on Social Dialogue in the Energy Sector in Slovakia: Milan Kuruc from ECHOZ and Juraj Melichár from CEPA - Friends of the Earth, led an engaging conversation shedding light on critical issues and potential solutions. Moreover, one of the highlights of this event was our special focus on networking. We were honoured to welcome Hungarian trade unionists alongside other esteemed guests, fostering connections and collaboration in the energy sector.

Sessions on Case Studies Presentations: From Italy to Germany, we delved into insightful case studies, providing a comprehensive view of different approaches and challenges across Europe.

Closing Remarks: Corinna Zierold from IndustriALL Europe wrapped up the event, emphasizing key takeaways and outlining the path forward.

Steering Committee Discussion: Finally, we discussed comparative analysis and recommendations, setting the stage for next steps of the project.

A heartfelt thank you to all participants, speakers, and project partners for making this event a resounding success! Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey towards a sustainable energy future


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