
CELSI Fellows Jan Drahokoupil and Brian Fabo published a policy brief dealing with the labour market effects of the online work platforms

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CELSI Fellows Jan Drahokoupil and Brian Fabo published a policy brief dealing with the labour market effects of the online work platforms

Published on Jan. 9, 2017


CELSI Fellows Jan Drahokoupil and Brian Fabo published a policy brief dealing with the labour market effects of the online work platforms, such as Uber, TaskRabbit or Upwork. The topic is of high salience to the European policy making and thus CELSI is pursuing it further in the framework of a research project IRSDACE - Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in the age of Collaborative Economy, in collaborationwith Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Fundación Alternativas (FA) and Copenhagen University (FAOS).

Drahokoupil, J. and Fabo, B. (2016) The platform economy and the disruption of the employment relationship:


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