
Press Release: Welfare benefits no magnet for migrants, research confirms

Reviewing the state of the art in economic research, the results suggest that “fears about immigrant abuse of welfare systems are unfounded or at least exaggerated.” Robust evidence shows that even if some relationship between immigration and welfare generosity is found, it is rather exiguous.

Oct. 22, 2013
CELSI's research results quoted in the daily Hospodarske noviny

Martin Kahanec discusses current situation regarding low-educated people in the Slovak labour market. Although Slovakia has the third lowest percentage of low-educated people, they are usually excluded from entering the labour market.

Sept. 18, 2013
Press Release: Children, education pays off!

Still true in Slovakia – the higher education the higher probability of finding a new job and the higher life satisfaction. The newest research by CELSI confirms the findings. (Press release only in Slovak language)

Sept. 1, 2013
Press Release: Inequalities have significantly deepened in Slovakia

The main reasons behind higher income inequalities are a differentiation of salaries due to education and changes in redistribution politics of the government. Inequalities are higher than in Czech Republic, but still lower than in Poland and Hungary.

Aug. 29, 2013
Martin Kahanec live on BBC World News: Migrants do not respond to welfare generosity
Martin Kahanec live on BBC World News: Migrants do not respond to welfare generosity

Martin Kahanec contributes to the heated debate on welfare restrictions for migrants in the UK in a live interview on BBC World News on May 31, 2013.

June 6, 2013
Tlačová správa: Ženy a mladí ľudia bez vzdelania sú na trhu práce takmer bez šance

V porovnaní s európskymi krajinami máme pomerne málo nízkovzdelaných ľudí. Ich šance uplatniť sa na trhu práce sú však spomedzi krajín skúmaných Stredoeurópskym inštitútom pre výskum práce (CELSI) najnižšie. Najohrozenejšie sú ženy a mladí ľudia.

April 15, 2013
The Guardian reports on Martin Kahanec's paper: No 'welfare migration' in the EU

The Guardian reports on a recent article by Martin Kahanec busting the myth of welfare magnet of migration. „Research challenges idea that UK attracts immigration with ‚welfare magnet‘ and says language and skills are bigger pull,“ the Guardian reflects.

March 28, 2013
Hospodárske noviny: Richter dá Bratislavčanom menej

Novinkou, s ktorou sa budú musieť začínajúci podnikatelia vysporiadať, je rozdelenie peňazí na dve časti, komentoval pre Hospodárske noviny zmeny v Zákone o službách nezamestnanosti Martin Kahanec.

March 21, 2013
Príčinou nárastu nerovností na Slovensku bol najmä nárast príjmov u vybraných skupín obyvateľstva, zatiaľ čo iným skupinám príjmy rástli pomalšie. Najviac rástli príjmy vysokoškolsky vzdelaným ľuďom a

Otázka, či nový Zákonník práce, účinný od 1.1.2013 zvýšil nezmestnanosť alebo nie, zaujíma mnohých. Na túto otázku môžeme zatiaľ len ťažko odpovedať, keďže potrebné časové rady budú dostupné až o niekoľko mesiacov.

March 4, 2013
New article about Slovak youth unemployment by Monika Martišková

On December 5, the European Commission proposed a package of measures to help deal with youth unemployment. However, concerns persist about the effectiveness of the package. Slovakia has one of the highest youth unemployment rates in the EU. It serves as an example of a country where half-hearted measures have failed in the absence of a proper active labour market strategy to channel the young into meaningful jobs.

Feb. 15, 2013

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