Marta Kahancová and Mária Sedláková published a new book chapter "Slovak Trade Unions at a Crossroads – From Bargaining to the Public Arena”
Marta Kahancová and Mária Sedláková published a new book chapter "Slovak Trade Unions at a Crossroads – From Bargaining to the Public Arena”
Published on Sept. 20, 2018 in Books

CELSI managing director Marta Kahancova and CELSI researcher Mária Sedláková recently published their chapter "Slovak Trade Unions at a Crossroads – From Bargaining to the Public Arena" in a new book edited by Rudolf Traub-Merz and Tim Pringle, "Trade unions in transition : From command to market economies".
This volume brings together studies on the dynamics of trade unionism in three country groups: Russia /Ukraine, China /Vietnam and Poland/Hungary/Slovakia. What binds them together is the fact that these countries embarked on a transition from command to post-socialist market economies, even though they did this in different intensities and with disparate political governance structure
The book is accesible via following link: