Fabo and Sedláková published a new book chapter "Impacts of Liberalization and De-liberalization of Labour Market Regulations in Slovakia"
Fabo and Sedláková published a new book chapter "Impacts of Liberalization and De-liberalization of Labour Market Regulations in Slovakia"
Published on May 18, 2017 in Books

CELSI's researchers Brian Fabo and Mária Sedláková just published their chapter "Impacts of Liberalization and De-liberalization of Labour Market Regulations in Slovakia" in a new book edited by Agnieszka Piasna and Martin Myant , "Myths of employment deregulation: how it neither creates jobs nor reduces labour market segmentation".
"This book looks at the effects of changes in employment regulation on levels and forms of employment in nine EU countries (Spain, Italy, Estonia, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, France, Denmark, and the UK). It demonstrates that reducing employment protection has brought neither labour market nor economic benefits. Moreover, post-crisis changes were accompanied by increases in precarious employment in those countries that were most enthusiastic in their deregulatory efforts."
The book is accesible at: