Marta Kahancová and Monika Martišková published a new book chapter "Facing Austerity through Collective Action: Economic Crisis and Public Service Employment Relations"
Marta Kahancová and Monika Martišková published a new book chapter "Facing Austerity through Collective Action: Economic Crisis and Public Service Employment Relations"
Published on Aug. 25, 2016 in Books

CELSI's researchers Marta Kahancová and Monika Martišková just published their chapter on Czechia and Slovakia: "Facing Austerity through Collective Action: Economic Crisis and Public Service Employment Relations" in a new book edited by Stephen Bach and Lorenzo Bordogna, "Public Service Management and Employment Relations in Europe".
"Written by leading national experts, this book places the economic crisis in a longer timeframe and examines how far trends in public sector employment relations were reinforced or reversed by the crisis. It provides an up-to-date analysis of the restructuring of public service employment relations in 12 major European countries, including analysis of little studied central and Eastern European countries."
The book is accesible via the Routledge online store: