
Press release: RePEc ranking of economic research institutions: CELSI No. 1 in Slovakia

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Press release: RePEc ranking of economic research institutions: CELSI No. 1 in Slovakia

Published on Oct. 16, 2014

The largest international economics research database RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) has published its most recent ranking, which evaluates the Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) as the No. 1 institute in economic research in Slovakia. As in previous years, in 2014 CELSI has ranked No. 1 in every month, leaving behind eighteen other economic research institutions in Slovakia.


„We are celebrating just sixth anniversary in 2014 but the RePEc ranking is a valiadation of all we have accomplished in such a short time. This includes a network of top international researchers in the field of labor focusing on Central and Eastern European labor markets as well as our Discussion Paper and Research Report series, but also collaborations with leading academic and policy institutions worldwide,“ says Martin Kahanec, co-founder and scientific director of CELSI, who according to RePEc has led the ranking of economists in Slovakia by research output since several years.

Rank | W Rank | Institution | Score | Authors| Authors share

1 [1] Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI)

1.49 | 5 | 3.33

2 [2] Fakulta ekonomiky a manažmentu, Slovenská Poľnohospodárska Univerzita, Nitra

2.12 | 6 | 4.01

3 [3] Ekonomická Univerzita v Bratislave

2.82 | 13 | 11.42

4 [4] Ekonomická Fakulta, Technická Univerzita v Košiciach

3.71 | 4 | 3.9

Source: RePEc database

One of the key elements of CELSI’s success is its scientific colaboration with international partners, including the University of Amsterdam, CEU Budapest, ILO, Institute for Study of Labor (IZA) Bonn, King’s College London, Leeds University, Trinity College Dublin, or the WageIndicator Foundation.

Every year CELSI engages in a number of research projects funded by the European Commission, ILO and other national and international institutions.

In September this year, CELSI, the European Trade Union Institute and other partners co-organized a high-profile conference “Europe at a crossroads. Which way to quality jobs and prosperity?“ in Brussels.

Jointly with the National Bank of Slovakia (NBS) and IZA, CELSI organizes an international conference on European Labor Markets and the Euro Area during the Great Recession, held on October 20 – 21 this year in Bratislava.

On this occasion, Martin Kahanec and Klaus F. Zimmerman launch their new book „Labor Migration, EU Enlargement, and the Great Recession“ published by Springer Verlag. The first chapter of the book evaluates the effects of enlargement and transitional arrangements, as well as economic factors, on EU mobility. The book includes a chapter on Slovakia.

“Rigorous research requires high initial investment, but it is inevitable and vitaly important for evidence-based policy making. Without robust evidence, policy debate is doomed to cheap populism and even well-intended policy efforts fail“ concludes Martin Kahanec.

Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) is the largest international database of economic research papers in the world.

Currently, over 1,600 archives from 81 countries have contributed close to 1.4 million research articles from 1,800 journals and 3,800 working paper series by more than 35 thousands economists.

The ranking of authors, institutions and journals is based on the number of citations of their articles and the well-known and widely used concept of the impact factor.

Current RePEc ranking for Slovakia is available here:

Historical data are available here:

The list of all institution for Slovakia is available here:

CELSI is a non-profit labour market research institute based in Bratislava, Slovakia. It fosters multidisciplinary research on institutions, work and organizations, business and society, and ethnicity and migration in modern societies.

Economics research database RePEc ranks CELSI as the No. 1 research institute for economics in Slovakia. Please find more about us at


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