
SME daily: How will opening of markets by Germany and Austria affect Slovak migration?

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SME daily: How will opening of markets by Germany and Austria affect Slovak migration?

Published on April 30, 2011

Martin Kahanec in SME daily commented on Germany and Austria opening their markets for us


„Dva roky pred naším vstupom rozmýšľalo o migrácii do Európskej únie len 1,2 percenta Slovákov, potom ich počet stúpol na 2,7 percenta, to bol rok 2005.

Minulý rok to bolo len 0,7 percenta“ hovorí Martin Kahanec, riaditeľ Stredoeurópskeho inštitútu pre výskum práce.

Read the article (in Slovak language)


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