Sexual Harassment at the Workplace

CELSI presented the results of the Slovak National Report from the international project on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Nov. 14, 2024

CELSI presented the results of the Slovak National Report from the international project on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace on Wednesday, November 13, in Bratislava.

The workshop was organized by CELSI together with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and the Slovak National Centre for Human Rights and brought together diverse stakeholders, researchers, trade union representatives and industry professionals.

CELSI researcher Kristína Gotthardová together with Marta Kahancová presented the research results and stakeholder recommendations, highlighting complex approach to the prevention, investigation and sanctioning of workplace sexual harassment, as part of ongoing commitment to advancing safe and inclusive work environments.

The recommendations were related to strengthening the institutional policy frameworks together with implementing effective workplace policies and highlighting best practices and active engagement of trade unions in these proceses. You can read the report here:

The findings and recommenaditons were discussed in expert panel discussions with relevant stakeholders focusing on the effectiveness of antidiscrimination legislation in Slovakia, fulfilling the burden of proof in sexual harassment claims as well as the potential role of trade unions in improving the effectiveness of processes related to prevention and investigation of sexual harassment and monitoring employes policies.

The second panel discussion presented practical tips and best practices for dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace - from how to stand up for oneself, the importance of sanctioning harassment, ensuring safe workplace environment and honoring the needs of the harassed person.

In order to stop workplace sexual harassment and ensure safe and inclusive work environment, we must work together on individual, communal and instituitonal level.

Thank you to our guests and speakers: Silvia Porubänová (riaditeľka Slovenské národné stredisko pre ľudské práva), Zuzana Homer (vedúca kancelárie Friedrich Ebert Stiftung), Monika Benedeková (predsedníčka Rady OZ KOVO a predsedníčka Komisie pre rodovú rovnosť KOZ SR), Veronika Michelčíková (právnička, Slovenské národné stredisko pre ľudské práva), Magdaléna Musilová (expertka na problematiku sexuálneho obťažovania, Fakulta managementu UK), Bianka Urbanovská (lektorka sebaobrany a zakladateľka združenia ZA SEBA), Lucie Obrovská (právnička, Kancelária verejného ochrancu práv ČR a ombudsmanka na Janáčkova akadémia múzických umení v Brne) and Daniel Gerbery (vedúci výskumného tímu, Inštitút pre výskum práce a rodiny).


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