GDPiR: Managing Data Processing in the Workplace through Industrial Relations

Final Conference of the GDPiR Project in Ankara

July 19, 2024

The final conference of GDPiR Project - Managing Data Processing in the Workplace through Industrial Relations - took place on July 18, in Ankara.

This landmark event marked the culmination of a 2-year journey dedicated to equipping trade unionists with essential knowledge and training to navigate the complexities of data processing in the workplace.

Project partners and experts shared valuable insights and unveiled the key contents of the final guidelines presented during the event.

The introduction of these guidelines was a significant highlight of the conference, providing a roadmap for enhancing the adoption of collective solutions, such as collective bargaining and social dialogue initiatives, to safeguard workers' rights amidst the challenges of technological surveillance and the drive for a sustainable digital transformation.

Following the introduction, CELSI researcher Adam Šumichrast chaired an engaging Q&A session, fostering an enriching exchange of ideas.

These comprehensive guidelines are available in several languages, including Czech, and can be accessed here:

A huge thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to making this conference a resounding success.

Together, we are paving the way for a fairer and more transparent future in workplace data processing.

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