
Study of impact of legislative reforms on industrial relations in Slovakia


2013 - 2013

The aim of the study is to assess the impact of labour law reforms undertaken in Slovakia since 2011 on the capacity and representativeness of the social partners; on industrial relations; and on working conditions in Slovakia.

Project number:

The aim of the study is to assess the impact of labour law reforms undertaken in Slovakia since 2011 on the capacity and representativeness of the social partners; on industrial relations (collective bargaining and labour relations); and on working conditions in Slovakia. Without limiting the examination of the broader impacts on the collective bargaining structure, particular attention should be given to the effect of the regulatory changes on the employment relationship, wages and other working conditions.The study shall involve a review of primary and secondary materials regarding the reforms, including relevant laws, explanatory statements, policy documents and existing academic literature. Representatives of the social partners and government shall also be interviewed.For the purposes of assessing the impact of the reforms, five economic sectors will be selected in consultation with the social partners. These should be described in terms of the number of employees in the sector, nature of employment relationship and size of companies. An analysis will then be undertaken of the representativity of the social partners in the different sectors, the content of collective agreements concluded in the chosen sectors at different levels in the period 2011–2012 (if any) as compared with the content of collective agreements prior to the implementation of the new laws (at all levels). The study will also assess the likely effects of these regulatory changes on wages and working conditions.Researchers involved at CELSI: Marta Kahancová , Martin Bulla (Trnavská Univerzita), Ľudovít Cziria (Inštitú pre výskum práce a rodiny).


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Project partners:

CELSI, Slovakia

Martin Bulla (Trnavská Univerzita)

Ľudovít Cziria (Inštitú pre výskum práce a rodiny)

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