New challenges for public services social dialogue
2013 - 2015
The action examines how increased service user involvement in public services delivery is being incorporated into the institutions/practice of social dialogue.
Project number:
The action examines how increased service user involvement in public services delivery is being incorporated into the institutions/practice of social dialogue. Social dialogue is under strain, but this provides opportunities to broaden social dialogue, traditionally focused on pay&conditions, to consider how the demands of service users&workers are reconciled. The researchers will investigate these changes in core public services – health&education- key elements of social protection systems. Service users influence the social partners through a variety of channels. First, ‚bottom up‘ involvement directly expressed to the frontline worker, captured within systems of social dialogue. Second, existing social dialogue institutions may incorporate service user agendas. Third, service user involvement may be present in forums with an important social dialogue component, e.g. school/hospital boards.The action involves the social partners in Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia&the UK with differing social dialogue traditions, enabling comparative analysis&exploration of the scope to reconcile service user&worker interests. By bringing the social partners together at EU level, the action will: map new challenges for social dialogue; contribute to its adaptation;&disseminate innovative practice transnationally.
Researchers at CELSI: Marta Kahancová , Mária Sedláková
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