
EGRUiEN: Encouraging a digital and Green transition through Revitalized and Inclusive Union-Employer Negotiations


2025 - 2028

The EGRUiEN project aims to answer the question of how best to ensure a just green and digital transition, to protect, represent and include precarious and non-standard workers, and to protect affected workers.

Project number:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme

The EGRUiEN project aims to answer the question of how best to ensure a just green and digital transition through social dialogue institutions and practices, to protect, represent and include precarious and non-standard workers, and to protect affected workers currently in primary labour market jobs from falling into precarity.

Europe is undergoing a period of rapid, fundamental transition, which is affecting production, employment, job design and skill requirements in many industries, such as in the sector cases EGRUiEN investigates, automotive, energy, on-demand transportation/taxi, and care services.

This presents contradictory goals: for economic and environmental reasons the transition must occur as quickly as possible, yet this fuels processes of creative destruction that undermines the efficacy of social dialogue. Social dialogue, however, has often been a tool to guide transitions.

EGRUiEN will research how past social dialogues have managed similar transitions, and how current social dialogues are faring. Through participatory action research with actual and potential social partners, EGRUiEN will create a research basis to revitalize social dialogue to manage the green and digital transition.

This will providing us with research-based tools for more inclusive and effective social dialogue. EGRUiEN has nine work- packages:

  • Management (WP1),
  • history (local longitudinal historical case studies, WP2),
  • four sectoral studies (autos, energy, care, and on-demand transport, WP3-6),
  • EU-level coordination (action research, WP7),
  • New Social Dialogue (cross-country analysis, WP8), and
  • Dissemination (WP9).

The historical research provides a basis for the sectoral studies, which provide a basis for EU-level participatory action research (WP7) and cross-national analysis (WP8).

Dissemination in is built into the research design through participatory research, but also WP9 enables widespread dissemination among practitioners, policy makers and academics.


Publications will be presented soon

Project partners:

University of Jyväskylä (Finland)

University of Parma (Italy)

Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (Finland)

European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Austria)

Tallinn University (Estonia)

University of Oslo (Norway)

University of Wrocław (Poland)

University of Zaragoza (Spain)

Cardiff University (United Kingdom)

Notus (Spain)

Central European Labour Studies Institute - CELSI (Slovakia)

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