BARSOP: Bargaining and Social Dialogue in the Public Sector

2016 - 2018
Projekt BARSOP sa zaoberal tým, ako hospodárska a finančná kríza transformovala
priemyselné vzťahy, sociálny dialóg a zamestnanosť vo verejnom sektore v deviatich
členských štátoch EÚ.
Project number:

BARSOP addresses how the economic and financial crisis has transformed industrial relations, social dialogue and employment in the public sector in nine EU member states: Denmark, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Spain, France and the United Kingdom. The crisis and the resulting austerity policies have put pressure on public sector industrial relations. The BARSOP project will, in the nine countries mentioned, review how social partners have been responding to the pressures created by the crisis, both in terms of collective bargaining and social dialogue processes, in terms of specific social partner crisis initiatives and in terms of outcomes.
Project events